A Complete Feeding Guide to Finishing Store Lambs at Grass


A Complete Feeding Guide to Finishing Store Lambs at Grass

A quality sheep feed in the right quantity is critical for finishing lambs successfully at grass.

When finishing lambs, it is important to achieve maximum growth rates with close attention on quality and quantity of the sheep feed. A high quality short, leafy grass (4-6 cm) is required to encourage these growth rates of 300 to 400 grams per day, with store lambs grazing high quality grass and add 0.5 kilogram of 14% Lamb Hogget Finisher Pellet or 14% Sheep Hi Grain Mix from our RED MILLS Sheep range.  Another option would be the 18% Intensive Lamb Pellet.

 A quality protein sheep feed is another important factor for finishing store lambs.

Careful attention should be directed towards the quality of protein included in a concentrate – looking out for the declaration of the ingredients in descending order is particularly important. If feeding straights feed to store lambs such as beet pulp a maximum size 6mm can be offered to increase energy and to provide additional fibre in the diet.

Values of protein, energy, mineral inclusion and feeding rates should be read thoroughly and should match the quality of pasture or alternative forages supplied with consultation with a nutritionist.

Concentrate Feeds for Sheep as well as timing are a weighing up cost and return game.

The aim is to increase lamb growth rate subsequently, reducing age at slaughter achieving greater profitability which will be dictated by quality of grass and on level of concentrates for sheep supplied. For mid-season lamb producers, it may not be financially economical to offer sheep fattening concentrates at grass.

There are many factors that influence lamb performance from pasture, including lamb birth weight, male lamb management and providing high quality digestible leafy grass.

Parasites and Drenches for Sheep are other factors for successful finishing of store lambs at grass

Parasite control is also a very important factor to consider for the weaned lamb at grass to achieve greatest daily gain and superior performance. Regular faecal sampling to monitor faecal egg counts is encouraged and most veterinary practices will offer this service.

A range of white drenches (Benzimidazole’s) or clear drenches for sheep (Levamisole) can be very effective in the control of gastro-intestinal, roundworms, tapeworms and to aid in the control of adult liver fluke. It is encouraged to monitor what drench is used when dosing to monitor for resistance.  It is also important to bear in mind that legume forages have the tendency to control abomasal nematodes in finishing lambs. All drenches would be available in all stores of Connolly Red Mills

Parasites and Drenches for Sheep are other factors for successful finishing of store lambs at grass

Finishing Store Lambs Successfully at Grass requires a comprehensive plan of action.

In summary, it’s critical that sheep farmers manage store lambs at grass using an effective plan that takes all these variables into account. Regular weighing, adjustment of stocking rates, and adaptation to changing environmental conditions contribute to achieving optimal growth rates and successful finishing of store lambs on pasture.

For further information or advice, contact RED MILLS nutrition team.