Benefits of Ewe Synchronisation for a Compact Lambing Season


Benefits of Ewe Synchronisation for a Compact Lambing Season

Synchronising ewes is the management practise to achieve a compact lambing system. There are significant benefits in terms of ease of management of the flock from mating right through until slaughter of lambs – such as having the majority of the lambs at a uniform age.

The demand for consistent quality finished lambs from Mid-March onwards means a proportion of the national flock needs to lamb in December/January.

Environmental Influences of Sheep Breeding Season in Ireland

Sheep are considered seasonal breeders, and their breeding season is influenced by factors such as day length, temperature, and the availability of grass. While there are some breeds which will naturally begin cycling in July/Early August, most breeds in Ireland begin as the days get shorter approaching the Autumn.

Progesterone soaked- sponging of sheep & use of PMSG is key for ewe synchronisation.

Progesterone soaked- sponging of sheep & use of PMSG is key for ewe synchronisation.

The use of progesterone-soaked sponges allows for inducing the oestrus cycle and synchronisation of oestrous of a whole flock or just a few ewes.  PMSG is used to increase ovulation rates and ultimately the litter size of ewes successfully mated. It is important to note that both the progestogen sponge and PMSG are prescription only medicines and manufacturers or veterinary guidelines should be followed at all times.

Specific targets for ewe synchronisation are critical for profitability.

To make the practise of synchronising ewes cost effective, there are very specific targets to aim for – 70% of ewes should lamb down with a litter size of 1.7 per ewe lambed and 90% of lambs sold by 16 weeks of age.

Feeding Ewes for Optimal Body Condition is key for breeding success

Ewes in body condition score 2.5 – 3.0 generally respond well to a rising plane of nutrition for at least three weeks before and during the mating period this is known as the flushing period. This will increase ovulation rate and can enhance embryo survival in early pregnancy. Ewes with a body condition score of more than 3.5 after weaning can graze poor quality grass to increase fertility coming into the breeding season.

Protein Feeds for Ewes are important to support your ewe’s body condition for mating.

It is recommended to feeds ewes on a coarse ration or concentrates which are high in protein and energy, while offering high quality leafy grass in the weeks prior and during mating. Typically, ewes for mating should be offered 0.5 kilogram per head per day in the flushing period to have ewes increasing in body condition. We would recommend the following Connolly Red Mills sheep feeds 17% Sheep and Lamb Cooked Mix or 18% Sheep and Lamb Pellets which are available in bags and bulk.


Protein Feeds for Ewes are important to support your ewe’s body condition for mating.

 Ewe supplements are essential if feeding brassicas.

If feeding brassicas, these can be supplemented with forage or straw as brassicas are low in fibre. It is important to offer additional supplementation with brassicas as they contain varying amounts of toxin substances which could depress appetite. Mineral supplementation must be provided for ewes being offered brassicas.


There are many other factors to consider when synchronising ewes in terms of health and best practise. For further information, contact the RED MILLS nutrition team.