Contact our team

Get in touch with our Customer Service team

We look forward to hearing from you! Reach out to us via phone for any general enquiries about our farm animal feeds or animal supplements.

Complete our form

Alternatively, you can fill out the form and we will respond promptly.

If you require nutritional advice for your farm animals or agronomy guidance for your farmland, please refer to the relevant sections below

    • Get expert nutritional or agronomy advice

      Reach out to our ruminant nutritionists who look forward to supporting your farm animal’s needs with advise on best feeding programmes and practices for performance & yield. Alternatively our agronomists are also available to provide advice about best farmland and crop husbandry practices. Contact our team here.

      Contact Nutritional Team Contact Agronomy Team
    • Register as a stockist

      Learn more about registering as a current stockist on our website or how to become a stockist of our agri feeds, supplements or agronomy products.

      Register as stockist