Ollie Carter

Ollie Carter

Ollie has worked in the agronomy sector for over 25 years, having graduated from University College Dublin. His main roles include providing technical backup services to Connolly’s RED MILLS many tillage and grassland customers throughout Ireland. Ollie is very passionate about advising grain growers on best practices to maximise crop yields in the most cost effective way, minimising impact on the environment.

Hons B.Agr.Sc. - Animal and Crop Production
Market: South East of Ireland
Area of Expertise: Crop production and providing technical support to tillage and grassland customers
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“I have a keen interest in all crops and I am constantly striving to enhance tillage crop growing and finding new ways to improve profitability for farmers which is very much in keeping with the Connolly’s RED MILLS ethos. Keeping farmers up to date with the latest technology is key to this “.