Tractor spraying crops
Tractor spraying crops

Straights Fertilisers

Brands offered include Gouldings, Yara, Grassland and Target in various bag sizes, and in bulk.
Key Features & Benefits
  • All products are backed by rigorous reseach & development
  • When appliced correctly, fertilser products can results in crop yield increases
  • _Urea (Nitrogen) can be applied to soil as a solid or solution, or used as a foliar spray on certain crops to support optimal growth.
  • **Offerings tailored to support optimal soil ph levels
Ideal For:
  • Soil deficient in pottasium or phosphorus. ****It is extremely common deficiency in Irish soils and as much as 25% of soils require annual maintenance application to replace lost levels.
  • Soils deficient in trace minerals such as selenium which impact yield rates. Selenium is released throughout the plant growing cycle boosting the selenium content at harvest or during grazing.
  • Supports the natural route for minerals such as selenium intake by ruminant animals from their grass feed sources

Our Agronomists advise on most appropriate fertilisers based on deficiences in your local farm soil profile (and soil sample if carried out) and/or based on crops or grass sown.

Varies depending on brand and straight fertilser type chosen

To maximize nutrient uptake, apply chemical fertiliser and slurry when the crop is growing (soil temp > 6°C) and no heavy rainfall is forecast for at least 48 hours. For poorly draining soils, this period should be long

Various Options available from bags to bulk delivery . Contact our Agri Stores, Agronomists or Customer Service Team to find out more details