
Range of Top Herbicide Brands

Attain season-long control and successfully control weeds in your crops and grass with our trustworthy herbicides.
  • All products are backed by rigorous trials, research and latest science
  • Tailored range to effectively control weeds in your winter and spring barley and wheat crops. Tackle pre-emergence and residual top-up as needed
  • Includes a number of specialist ranges includes range such as those that tackle grass weed and broad leaf weeds in winter barley and wheat.
  • Products for control of broadleaf grasses and weeds include foliar-applied, pre-crop emergent, and post-crop emergent herbicides against weeds in various crops and grass types.
Ideal For:
  • Farmers who are producing crops for supply of raw materials where contamination is strictly forbidden such as grains for horse feeds and oatmeal for human consumption. NOPS-Free grains are an essential for the Equine industry
  • Supporting crop growth for farmers from successful germination to the final quality of harvested grains and best yield rates.

Our Agronomists advise on most appropriate herbicides based on season & type of crops or grass sown.

Varies depending on type and format of herbicide

  • There is potential for getting the herbicide in your eyes, protect them with goggles or a face shield; when mixing or spraying herbicides, always protect your eyes.
  • Wear a hat – protecting your hair and scalp reduces your chance for exposure.
  • Avoid splashing, spilling, leaks, spray drift, and contamination of clothing. NEVER eat, smoke, drink, or chew while using pesticides.
  • Follow label directions carefully.
  • Minimise water volumes (rain and washings) on the handling area.
  • DO consider using drift-reducing nozzles if spraying.
  • Keep the spray boom as low as possible to the ground and use the coarsest appropriate spray quality.

Contact our Team for more information. Not available in Bulk