A Quick Guide on When to Sow & Feed Forage Crops to Cattle


A Quick Guide on When to Sow & Feed Forage Crops to Cattle

There is a broad range of forage crops available to farmers but it is about finding the one that is most suited to your management system. The following grid gives a summary of the times of year most suited to growing forage crops, grazing periods and sowing rates:

CropSowing PeriodGrazing PeriodSowing Rate
RapeMay - August10-12 Weeks after sowing2.5kg/ac direct drill or 4.5kg/ac broadcast
KaleApril - Early JuneAutumn & Winter 1-2kg/ac direct drill or 3kg/ac broadcast
Stubble TurnipsApril - June8 weeks after sowing 2kg/ac direct drill or 3kg/ac broadcast
SwedesApril - JuneAutumn & Winter1kg/ac direct drill or 2kg/ac broadcast
Forage RyeForage RyeWinter & Spring75kg/ac direct drill

Each of the crops outlined above have specific fertiliser, pest and disease control requirements – along with a wide choice of varieties.

For an effective disease and weed control programme for successful sowing of forage crops , contact the RED MILLS agronomy team.