A Guide to Forage Crop Options and Yield Returns.


A Guide to Forage Crop Options and Yield Returns.

By growing forage crops farmers automatically benefit from mixed forage diets to help increase animal intakes, ensure optimum rumen stability and improve feed utilisation. As a result of this, livestock performance should increase – either by boosting milk production or through enhanced liveweight gains.

How long will Your Forage Crop take to Grow and Harvest?

How long will Your Forage Crop take to Grow and Harvest?

If you plan to make more of forage crops then one of the crucial decisions to make is to decide how long the desired crop will be in the ground. There is a range of fast growing catch crop which can often be ready for utilisation within eight to ten weeks from sowing. Crops in this category include forage rye, stubble turnips and forage rape.

 What the high yield forage crop options?

Full season crops include fodder beet, swedes and kale. These are often characterised as high yielding .

To discuss the most suitable forage crop options, contact the RED MILLS agronomy team.